Website Owners: EQS Group AG
Website Domain:
Certificate Status: Bronze
Certification Date: 2022-11-14
WACA certification
With this certificate, the WACA initiative strives for a very high level and outstanding quality of accessibility, which is why the most basic WCAG criteria must be met for successful certification. The auditors test according to a predefined scheme and their own testing methodology strictly according to these criteria. The WACA certificate is awarded at 3 different levels. For each WCAG success criterion, a separate grading for gold, silver and bronze has been defined. This means that websites that do not meet the highest WCAG requirements or are best practice, but have basic accessibility and do not exclude anyone from using the website, can also be awarded. For the Silver or Bronze grades, accessibility efforts must be clearly and unambiguously recognizable, see definition of WACA grades.
WACA certifies websites that can be narrowed down precisely, usually defined by a URL, and draws a representative sample (test sample) from this. However, the following content or functions of a website are generally excluded from the audit:
- Live transmitted time-based media
- Content that is only available to a closed group of people and not to the general public (extranets and intranets).
- external content from third-party providers that was neither financed nor developed by the website operator and is therefore not subject to its control (such as Google Maps, YouTube, Facebook, external iframes and widgets, etc.), defined as follows:
- Third-party content that cannot be interacted with (e.g. Facebook tracking pixels) is excluded from the check.
- Third-party content that does not provide basic, central functionality of the page is excluded from the check.
- Third-party content that provides additional information and is essential for users requires an alternative.
- If a website consists largely of third-party content, certification is rejected and the order is not accepted. Website is not auditable in this case.
- Online maps and map services, but these must have an accessible alternative.
- Google Captcha (ReCaptcha V2): Only valid for WACA quality levels Silver and Bronze.
General Comment of the Certification Authority:
For this WACA certification, 7 templates of the relevant web application were checked for web accessibility according to WCAG 2.1 - A and WCAG 2.1 - AA ( A strong orientation towards accessibility can be seen in the tested templates. Many of the problem areas that arose in the first audit have been rectified.
As a representative sample for the entire application COCKPIT Integrity Line System, a complete use case of a test version including login/logout and mailbox in German and English language was selected for the certification audit. The product website was not in the scope of this audit.
The following contents or functions of a website and web apps are generally excluded from the WACA Certificate audit:
- Websites containing non-German and/or English language content
- Apps for mobile applications
- PDFs
- Live broadcast time-based media
- Content that is only available to a closed group of people and not to the general public (extranets, intranets)
- External third-party content that was neither financed nor developed by the website operator and is therefore not subject to their control (such as Google Maps, YouTube, Facebook, other Iframes and widgets, ...) as follows:
- Third-party content that you cannot interact with (such as Facebook tracking pixels) is excluded from the certification process.
- Third-party content that does not provide a basic core functionality is excluded from the certification process.
- Third-party content that provides additional information and is essential to users needs to provide an alternative.
- If a website consists largely of third-party content, certification will be rejected and the application will not be accepted. The website is not auditable.
- Online maps and map services, though these must provide an accessible alternative
- Google Captcha (ReCaptcha V2): valid only for the Silver and Bronze level
Evaluated test sample
WACA deviations and WACA gradations
EQS3: T1 Startseite DE
Criterion 1.3.1 - Info and Relationships: Silver
- Headings: OK.
<h1>Reporting system
HTML structure: OK
Main landmark present
best practice: Ensures all page content is contained by landmarks
Lists: optimizable
=> in the menu a list would be a good semantic element
(Also appears on subpages and is not explicitly mentioned there)
Criterion 2.4.1 - Bypass Blocks: Silver
- Skiplink "to content" is available but should be "Germanized" (in the German language variant)
EQS3: T2 Startseite EN
EQS3: T3 Meldung abgeben
Criterion 1.3.1 - Info and Relationships: Silver
- Headings:OK
<h1>Eine Meldung abgeben
<h2>Sicheres Postfach
Labels: OK
implemented using aria-labelledby and native labels
the pseudo selects are not quite optimal but functional and tolerable
main landmark available
Criterion 2.4.4 - Link Purpose (In Context): Bronze
- The file delete buttons are not optimal and are only labeled with the title attribute
<button … title="Delete" name="Delete">...</button>
In general, an sr-only text or an aria-label should be used with a reference to the file to be deleted, e.g. aria-label="xxx.jpg delete" or a semantic reference between the file name and delete interaction should be made using <li>, < p> etc. see e.g.
Criterion 2.4.7 - Focus Visible: Bronze
- the keyboard focus of the options of the pseudo select fields is now optimised
the pseudo select fields themselves have a very low keyboard focus (only a marginal change of the border colour). This is still tolerable for bronze, but a change is recommended.
Criterion 4.1.2 - Name, Role, Value: Silver
- Captcha now sufficiently labelled
Pseudoselects not optimal but tolerable
Criterion 4.1.3 - Status Messages: Bronze
- Just on the edge of not fulfilled:
When adding files or photos, "non-visual users" are not sufficiently informed that these files are being added to the form. For visual users this is also not optimal, as the files are often inserted further down the page and the insertion is only visible after scrolling. When adding audio recordings, a live/alert message is read out and the message is also displayed visually for a short time. It is recommended to add such a message to the other files as well.
EQS3: T4 Senden
Criterion 1.3.1 - Info and Relationships: Bronze
- The H1 heading is used sr-only as a replacement for the visual "i" icon. the main page heading is an H2. This hierarchy should be reversed (i.e. main heading H1 and info H2) Current heading structure:
EQS3: T5 Postfach
Criterion 1.3.1 - Info and Relationships: Bronze
- Headings now available
still tolerable for bronze, but a change is recommended: only few semantic in the listing of the case and the files, here e.g. lists would be a better element
Criterion 2.4.4 - Link Purpose (In Context): Bronze
- file delete buttons see T3
Criterion 4.1.3 - Status Messages: Bronze
- Add files, photos see T3
EQS3: T6 Logout
EQS3: T7 Datenschutz