Certification Report for BOKU FIS

Website Owners: Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Website Domain: forschung.boku.ac.at
Certificate Status: Silver
Certification Date: 2024-10-07

WACA certification

With this certificate, the WACA initiative strives for a very high level and outstanding quality of accessibility, which is why the most basic WCAG criteria must be met for successful certification. The auditors test according to a predefined scheme and their own testing methodology strictly according to these criteria. The WACA certificate is awarded at 3 different levels. For each WCAG success criterion, a separate grading for gold, silver and bronze has been defined. This means that websites that do not meet the highest WCAG requirements or are best practice, but have basic accessibility and do not exclude anyone from using the website, can also be awarded. For the Silver or Bronze grades, accessibility efforts must be clearly and unambiguously recognizable, see definition of WACA grades.

WACA certifies websites that can be narrowed down precisely, usually defined by a URL, and draws a representative sample (test sample) from this. However, the following content or functions of a website are generally excluded from the audit:

  • PDF
  • EPUB
  • Live transmitted time-based media
  • Content that is only available to a closed group of people and not to the general public (extranets and intranets).
  • external content from third-party providers that was neither financed nor developed by the website operator and is therefore not subject to its control (such as Google Maps, YouTube, Facebook, external iframes and widgets, etc.), defined as follows:
    • Third-party content that cannot be interacted with (e.g. Facebook tracking pixels) is excluded from the check.
    • Third-party content that does not provide basic, central functionality of the page is excluded from the check.
    • Third-party content that provides additional information and is essential for users requires an alternative.
    • If a website consists largely of third-party content, certification is rejected and the order is not accepted. Website is not auditable in this case.
  • Online maps and map services, but these must have an accessible alternative.
  • Google Captcha (ReCaptcha V2): Only valid for WACA quality levels Silver and Bronze.

General Comment of the Certification Authority:

Das Forschungsinformationssystem (FIS) der BOKU wurde auf Basis von 16 Templates der betreffenden Webapplikation auf Web Accessibility nach WCAG 2.1 A und AA überprüft (http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG2/quickref/). Aufgrund der sehr ähnlichen Template-Struktur aller bisher eingesehenen Seiten und aufgrund dessen, dass es sich im Hintergrund um eine dynamische Applikation handelt, wird nun von diesen Templates auf die gesamte Website geschlossen. Bei den getesteten Templates ist eine sehr starke Orientierung in Richtung Barrierefreiheit erkennbar. Die Templates sind weitestgehend mit den Zugänglichkeitsrichtlinien für Webinhalte WCAG 2.1 A und WCAG 2.1 AA konform, es gibt nur minimale Abweichungen. Aufgrund des Gesamteindruckes kann mit gutem Gewissen WACA in Silber vergeben werden. 

Nicht im Scope des Audits waren, da externe URLs:

Evaluated test sample

WACA deviations and WACA gradations

    BOKU FIS: T01 Startseite Deutsch

    BOKU FIS: T02 Startseite Englisch

    BOKU FIS: T03 Suche Allgemein

    BOKU FIS: T04 ForscherInnen

    BOKU FIS: T05 Forscher-Detail

    BOKU FIS: T06 Department-Detail

    BOKU FIS: T07 Projekte

    BOKU FIS: T08 Projekt-Suche

    BOKU FIS: T09 Projekt-Detail

    BOKU FIS: T10 Publikationen

    BOKU FIS: T11 Publikation-Suche

    BOKU FIS: T12 Publikation-Detail

    BOKU FIS: T13 Medienbeiträge

    BOKU FIS: T14 Medien-Suche

    BOKU FIS: T15 Medien-Detail

    BOKU FIS: T16 Zufallssample Englisch